Xperience the advantages of our loyalty program!
Join now for free to unlock exclusive benefits
How does the Xperience JARO program work?
Sign up
Start enjoying the benefits from your very first stay as a member, all for free!Collect points
Book a stay in one of our 7 hotels or dine in one of our 4 restaurants during your stay.Redeem your points
Pay for part of your accommodation, get a free night or buy JARO products.Statuses and privileges
Upon opening your account
7% discount on your accommodation
Applicable to the daily rate, not applicable to promotional rates, group rates, or packages.
Late check-out at noon, subject to availability.
Upon request with the hotel.
10 XPJ points per dollar spent on accommodation
Exchangable at any time without a minimum requirement.
10% discount at JARO restaurants.
Valid on the à la carte menu from 5 p.m.
Wi-Fi / High speed internet
Free for XPJ members
Certain conditions apply
By staying between 10 and 19 nights per year
- Late check-out at noon, subject to availability.
- 10% discount at our restaurants.
10% discount on your accommodation.
Applicable to the daily rate, not applicable to promotional rates, group rates, or packages.
15 XPJ points per dollar spent on accommodation
Exchangeable at any time, with no minimum required.
5 XPJ points per dollar spent in our restaurants.
Applicable when your restaurant bill is charged to your accommodation bill.
Complimentary upgrade upon request
Upon request, subject to availability.
Complimentary daily consumption
Applicable at JARO restaurants. The complimentary consumption entitles you to a glass of wine selected by the maître d’ or a Canadian beer.
Surprise for your birthday
Applicable within the month of your birthday.
Certain conditions apply
By staying 20 nights or more per year
- Late check-out at noon, subject to availability.
- 10% discount at our restaurants.
- 15 XPJ points for each dollar spent on accommodation.
- 5 XPJ points for each dollar spent in our restaurants.
- One complimentary consumption per day;
- One surprise for your birthday.
Fixed preferential rate on your accommodation
Applicable to the daily rate, not applicable to promotional rates, group rates, or packages.
Complimentary automatic upgrade
Subject to availability.
Xpress check-in for quick arrival
Your key will be waiting for you upon arrival, no need to wait for check-in.
No minimum stay required per visit
Option to stay for just one night, even during the high season.
Airport shuttle and indoor parking
- Valid for a one-way trip;
- Available at the seven JARO Hotels.
- Indoor parking and shuttle from Hôtel Must only;
- Valide pour une semaine pour deux personnes, une fois par an. Valide pour 1 semaine et ce, pour 2 personnes, 1 fois par année.
Guaranteed availability
Applicable for bookings made at least 72 hours in advance.
Certain conditions apply
Many ways to collect and redeem your points
Your stay earns you points. The longer you stay, the more points you earn!
As a PREMIUM and OPTIMUM member, your meal earns you points. Simply add your meal to your accommodation bill!
To stay at the hotel
You can redeem your points at any time to pay for all or part of an overnight stay.
To give to a friend
You can treat a loved one to a free stay using your points.
To buy a gift card
You can buy a JARO gift card valid at any of the group's 7 hotels. Only the $100 gift card is available for the equivalent of 30,000 XPJ points.
For your well-being
You can buy your favorite JARO items and take home a souvenir.